Friday, 2 March 2012

Drawing down the Days

I have just finished the 28 Drawings Later Challenge on Facebook., which involved completing a drawing for every day in the month of February. It was, I admit, for me an extremely daunting challenge. I am not the most disciplined of people and I have been suffering from the what I called 'The Winter Doldrums' when it came to my art. Nothing seemed to inspire me and when there was a little spark it chugged into life only to extinguish when I put pencil/paint to paper. Anyway I saw the challenge on Facebook and thought why not, it could give me the kick-start I so desperately needed.  I struggled to keep up on numerous occasions but in the end I managed to complete it. My drawing practice has improved...I love experimenting , exploring new ways of seeing and mark making. Some new subjects for future artworks have evolved  for example, 'Mapping the Valley', 'Ravens' and I revisited some old familiar pets, hares, slate fences and the white cottages. I also became involved with a new and vibrant artistic community, making new friends on Facebook with some of the other participants, who also gave me some wonderful, encouraging feedback. Now for March....... 
Some of the Drawings Submitted

Day 13: Moelwynnau Variations

Day 2: Bolt Sleeping

Day 26: Shapeshifter (Raven)

Day 27: Max Sleeping

Many thanks must go to Victoria Evans, an extremely talented Glasgow based artist who organised the event...Well Done!!!