Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Sketchbook Moments :: Trees

Sketches of  Hawthorn trees
Some from memory and others from reality.
The twisted twins cling to the mountain slope

Wild...clinging on....together
 the reality often blurred by the memory......

 memory forgetting the reality and imagination creeps in bringing more wonder......................
the Wild Dance

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Unfinished New Work......

Two more trees in the making. Still not completed them. The first picture is a Hawthorn and is based on the same tree portrayed in 'At Blaen Cwm'. The other picture shows an Ash Tree that I discovered down the valley near the Drum house. This tree has fairly obvious anthropomorphic qualities!! Ash Trees are supposed to represent protection and I think I'd like this particular Ash to protect me. They're also supposed to signify creation....well!
Hawthorns are faery trees and represent duality. They are the God and Goddess in all, feminine blossom in springtime on masculine thorny branches. They are abundant in both male and female energy. I think the Hawthorn is significant in the valley as we have Cnicht's male energy on one side and Moelwyn Mawr's female energy on the other. I'll post the finished work soon.

New Work in December

I have been working on a number of paintings based on the Hawthorn trees that cling so tenaciously to life on the mountain slopes edging the valley.
All the trees featured in these paintings can be found in the valley. Their energy and tenacious lust for life make them compelling subjects to paint. They remind me that despite the harsh environment and other adverse circumstances that may effect us that we are all capable of survival. There is also bountiful beauty to be found in adversity, from the musk scented flowers in May to the blood red berries in Autumn.

Above: 'At Blaen Cwm' Mixed media on canvas
Left: 'On Moelwyn Mawr Mixed media on paper